Wednesday, August 22, 2007

New York Times Article on Unhappy Meals

This is the best article by New York Times writer Michael Pollen I've read that sums up the whole nutritional excellence movement that's on the rise today. It is sort of long but really beautifully written and worth the read!

Michael Pollen wrote the excellent book The Omnivore's Dilemma. Read about it at the following link:


Sojourner said...

OK Robin so the article is a very good one. Let me ask you something on the subject of nutritional dieting. I modified my diet 2 years ago to follow Biblical (not Kosher)food guidelines and have realized very positive results. Would you consider "food processing" to be non-Biblical? Or perhaps I should just ask if "organic" is the Biblical intent? If you do not have an opinion on the subject perhaps you can refer me to some other professional in the field?

Thanks so much!

Robin Jeep said...

It is my understanding that Biblical Torah, which means instruction, is about making choices that are life affirming. Hence, the instruction to choose life stated in Deuteronomy 30:19.

Numerous scientific studies have shown that processed foods contribute to a host of degenerative illnesses. Obviously, the Torah did not give instruction on processed foods because during that time people only consumed whole foods. But I don’t think we need every detail because the principle behind Torah instruction would be to maintain a healthy body, soul, and spirit lifestyle. Do you consider eating chemically infused, nutrient and fiber stripped, fat-laden, sodium-rich, sugar loaded foods to be life affirming?

Choosing the healthiest plant foods, which would be organic, is a life affirming choice. Not everyone always has that option for monetary or availability reasons. Time and time again scientific studies reveal that the healthiest choice is always to choose an abundance of leafy green vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts and seeds whether organic or non-organic. That also happens to be the first Biblical Torah dietary instruction for mankind. “Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.” Genesis 1:29.
