Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Six Good Eating Habits That Will Help Prevent Cancer

The American Institute for Cancer Research has released a 517-page report detailing the CONVENTIONAL medical view of what your main risk factors for developing cancer, and what you can do to reduce your risk.

Among their findings -- after reviewing more than 7,000 large-scale studies over the course of five years -- the Institute is now convinced that excess body weight increases your risk for the following types of cancer:





Uterus, and breast cancer in post-menopausal women

The report also found that there are certain lifestyle changes that will reduce your risk of getting cancer:

1. Be as lean as possible within the normal range of body weight
2. Be physically active as part of everyday life
3. Limit consumption of "energy-dense foods," foods that are high in
calories, fat and sugar. Avoid sugary drinks
4. Eat mostly foods of plant origin, including fruits, vegetables,
whole grains and beans
5. Limit intake of red meat and avoid ALL processed meat
6. Limit alcoholic drinks to one per day for women, two per day for men
7. Limit consumption of salt. Avoid moldy grains or legumes
8. Aim to meet nutritional needs through diet alone, without dietary



* MarketWatch.com November 1, 2007

* American Institute for Cancer Research

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Medical Doctors Duke It Out Over the Best Plant-Based Diet

Watch a panel of nutrition oriented medical doctors (John McDougall, Joel Fuhrman, Caldwell Esselstyn, and Milton Mills) heatedly discuss the healthiest dietary plans in a short video clip.


Antioxidant Rich/Calorie Restriction Eating Style for Health and Longevity is Hitting Mainstream Media Everyday

The timing for the release of The Super Antioxidant Diet and Nutrition Guide couldn't be more perfect. Check out today's MSN online headline story! http://health.msn.com/dietfitness/dietsforconditionsarticlepage.aspx?cp-documentid=100174351>1=10613

Sunday, November 11, 2007

New Rules Set for Meat Sold as Grass-Fed

As it stands right now, meat can be labeled grass-fed even if it is grain-fed. The good news is that new rules will require meat that is labeled grass-fed to actually be grass-fed. Click link to NY Times article below:


Monday, November 5, 2007

Does Carrageenan Raise Cancer Risk?

A lot of people have asked me about carrageenan, which is used to thicken many products. Silken, for example, uses carrageenan as a thickner. Click on the following link to Dr. Weil's website and get the lowdown on carrageenan.


Sunday, November 4, 2007

Friday, November 2, 2007

Landmark Report: Excess Body Fat Causes Cancer

Panel also implicates red meat, processed meats, and alcohol.


Landmark Study Shows Link Between Consumption of Alcohol, Red Meat and Cancer

"Millions of people are at risk of getting cancer unless they slash levels of alcohol and red meat in their diets, medical experts have warned in a landmark study."


Thursday, November 1, 2007


To have a flu shot or not to have a flu shot, that is the question. I do not take flu shots. The only time I took a flu shot was several years ago because it was mandatory by my employer. At that time I did not know what they contained. If you want to know the truth about flu shots click the following link: http://www.advancedhealthplan.com/bhflushots.html

Calcium Requirements Much Lower Than Previously Estimated

New studies reveal that we need less calcium in our diets than previously thought. If we are eating a nutrient-rich more alkaline diet such as the Super Antioxidant Diet we will absorb and retain more calcium. A diet rich in acid producing foods such as animal products causes the body to leech calcium from the bones to alkalize the body. Click the McDougall link and scroll down to second article. http://www.drmcdougall.com/misc/2007nl/oct/fav5.htm